Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving Weekend
For Thanksgiving weekend I traveled to 2 places. First I spent Wed & Thurs in Logan with my parents. Since a major blizzard was just getting over, we left for Logan later than anticipated. The roads were pr
etty good on the freeway, but still bad in town! We ate a delicious dinner over at my brother's home. Mashed potatoes & stuffing are my favorite foods to overeat! My brother & his wife got a new kitty so it was fun to snuggle and pet it(no name yet).Then Fri & Sat, I spent time in Ephraim, UT with my sister and her husband. I go to help out decorating the 9ft Christmas tree(this year the decorations were a Victorian theme & every year there is a different theme)! I had planned on staying Sat night and going to Harry Potter 7 movie(again) with my sister but another blizzard was coming in Sat night/Sunday, so I left before the storm came on Saturd
ay night. Yes, I let the snowy weather control my life! The next morning I was oh so glad I didn't have to drive on the slick & icy roads! And during the weekend I did get to enjoy watching 2 Utah Jazz games which they won(including Lakers!!) but was disappointed that Alabama lost to Auburn by one point! One of these Thanksgiving weekends I want to get down to Alabama for the Iron Bowl! I always love spending time with my family!But getting home earlier than usual did allow me to decorate my own place! Just need a small tree to make it complete!

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Harry Potter 7: Part 1
Since movie 7 will be the last event for the 14 year Harry Potter Era, I have felt drawn to participate in a
ny HP activity I can! My friend and I went to the HP party before the midnight showing of part one of movie 7. There wasn't a lot going on for what I expected, but we still managed to enjoy the night! First I got my custom-made rose-wood wand from a muggle wand maker(you picked your wood and design and he carved it up with a machine). Then we got s
orted by the sorting hat into Gryffindor and given an appropriate scarf(which I have always wanted to have) to match that house. An owl was brought in and I learned some trivia about owls. And I thought it was cool to get my picture taken on a green screen so it looks like I'm flying on a broom in front of Hogwarts! Plus it's always fun to see how people dress up as characters! During the whole event, they played old HP movies to watch. There were about 15 theaters open for midnight showings(and they even had 3am showings after we were done)! This was the first time I actually loved the first showing of a HP movie! Normally I complain about everything the producer has changed and omitted the first time around and then learn to appreciate it seeing it multiple times, but this time they stayed truer to the book. Obviously there were still things left out, but not the important(or what I thought important) parts. The movie was just as intense and sad as the book had been! Can't wait to see part 2 July 15!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
IFLY is the experience of skydiving without jumping from a plane & using a chute. Ben, Whit and I tried it out. Basically, you fall into 160mph wind(coming from underneath) and spread your hands and legs just so(with chin up) and you get the feeling of flying through the air. Since it was our first time we had a trainer in the fly zone with us to make sure we were holding the right position. Once we kind of got used to flying then the trainer would spin us up and down in the air. It was a wild experience!
Makes me want to try real skydiving! We watched our video and we laughed a lot with how funny we looked(and the times we'd hit into the wall). I had a bit of a headache after with all the wind pressure going up my nose! And you couldn't open your mouth too much or slobber would come dribbling out! It's definitely worth trying out!
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