Sunday, December 30, 2012
Apple Spice
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Movie and Crepery
I saw the last Twilight movie with my nephew and his wife. I don't think I ever realized how cheesy the movies were until this last one---but I finished out the series. The ending was different than the book and I liked it! So I did like it even with the cheesiness! But then again, I do like cheese! After the show, we went to the Crepery---where they use crepes for their food of choice! I never thought of using crepes for sandwich wraps! I got a yummy crepe sandwich and a almond steamer---and in my steamer I wanted a bit of chocolate sauce so they made a heart in my drink! And the atmosphere was so quaint and cozy!! The Crepery is now one of my new favorite places to eat!

Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Monday, October 22, 2012
Arches National Park
Boise, ID
A few weekends ago I drove up to Boise to visit with 2 of my nieces. I was hoping to fly since it's a quick flight and 5 hours is a long time to drive to me, but flights were ridiculously high for such a short flight---hence, I drove. After three and a half hours, I stopped in Jerome to pick up Tauna and her kids. Much to my relief, she offered to drive the rest of the way to Boise(because my eyes were feeling very heavy)! We stayed with Selena in her new home! The weekend was very busy between eating, a movie(Hotel Transylvania--very cute!), arcade games, BSU football game(BSU won on their "smurf turf") and Haunted World(2 kids were being wimpy about it, but we got them through okay)! Loved spending time with my nieces!

46th Birthday
Man vs Mud
First of all you must know, I am not a runner in any way, shape or form. So I surprised myself by complying to enter the 5K Man vs Mud run in Cache Valley. I'll admit, I was a bit nervous as the Saturday neared in September. But in the end, I had so much fun that I might have to do this run every year! It's not so much of a run as it is obstacle course after obstacle course of mud, with walking in between to the various muddy barriers! My favorite part had to be the slippery slides into muddy bogs! The plodding/slipping through waist deep bogs and climbing/crawling obstacles were tiring to say the least! We were definitely covered in mud when we finished! There were volunteers there who had warm water sprayers to spray us off good before we got in our vehicles. I thought I had been sprayed off pretty well until I got home and showered----what a muddy mess that was!!! Overall, I would recommend the Man vs Mud to anyone! If I can do it, anyone can!

Twin Falls Temple
In August, I drove up to Idaho to pick up my nephew to attend the Twin Falls Temple. We decided to do proxy baptisms/confirmations for the dead. I brought family names I had found through research. We each did 25 names. During the female names(that I did), my nephew was able to be the baptizer and confirmer. Having family names made it an extra special experience! The Spirit was so strong! What a wonderful service I can do for my ancestors who didn't have a chance to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ when they were alive! We might have to have "going to the temple" as our activity more often! Plus I love attending the temple! Afterwards we had a delicious Italian dinner at Maxie's Tomatos!
Zoo, Mall, & Temple Square
Monday, July 2, 2012
Denver Visit
Flew into Denver last weekend to visit my niece and her family. Her fifth child was just born in May so this was the first time I got to meet him(so of course I held him a lot)! The kids and I played in the water a lot---first at their house with the plastic swimming pool and hose and then we went up into the mountains near a shallow stream. The water and going up to the mountains was a great way to cool off in the hot weather!! So we played, played and played some more! And of course my niece, her husband and I played Phase 10---we always have a good competition with that game---I lost ): but it was still a great time playing it with other humans(I have the game on my iPad and so I only get to play avatars which cheat and stack the deck---as only electronics can do-- the iPad version made me more aware of and brought out my competive emotions ---at first I would yell frequently at my avatars for the unfairness of it all[like skipping me when I'm the one behind] but now I do not yell at my avatars[Nancy, Floyd and Andrew] as much---now I just take a deep breath at each injustice and remind myself it it just a game---and with humans I never have an emotional outburst like I have with my iPad so maybe in the end it's good emotional therapy). Anyway, we had a last minute change of plans and instead of flying home, I drove home(about 10 hrs) with my niece and her kids---I don't know how families survived traveling before dvd players in the vehicles. And can I just tell you that everytime I visit my nieces or niece-in-laws with their small children, it makes me have more respect and reverence for mothers than ever---I am always exhausted afterwards and wonder how they do it 24-7!! It is truly amazing to me!!! I am in awe of mothers!!--and I'm not dissing the fathers and the time they spend with the kids and helping out, but let's face it, mothers do so much more than any of us can imagine!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Shreveport, Louisiana 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Ely, Nevada
Sunday, May 6, 2012
In April, JK Rowling opened up a interactive reading experience for Harry Potter fans on-line. I had been anticipating it since it was originally supposed to open in October. It's a free site that takes you through each chapter. Each chapter has pictures and information that go with it. A menu on the left allows you access to extra information that is not in the books. For example, in book one we learn all about Prof McGonagall's life, a bit more about the Dursley's and a bit more about Quirrell. Also, JK Rowling includes her thoughts as she was writing the book. So the extra info is cool! In the pictures that accompany the chapters, you find objects and chocolate frog cards. By chapter 7 you have gotten your letter from Hogwarts and the list of items you need for your first year. With the pictures you literally go to Gringotts to get your "money" and then go through Diagon Alley "buying" all the things on your list. The final thing you buy is your wand. Your wand picks you through various odd questions. Then the following chapter, you get sorted by answering various odd questions again! I was sorted into Hufflepuff. Once you are sorted, you learn spells and potions, which give you house-points. I will admit, I had to have one of my 6th grade boys show me how to do the spells correctly and I had to look on YouTube to figure out the potions. I'm doing very well on the spells now(even though the full body bind spell is the only one to get high enough power to win right now) and with potions, I am doing so-so---I have made some and it is not easy! I've only blown up one cauldron(so now I will have to buy another---plus you lose 5 points for that)! Hufflepuff is so far behind on house-points it's not even funny! I'm hoping that when book 2 comes out that the House Cup winner will be announced and we can start over on points! I also like the security of it---you have to choose a random username from the site so no one knows who you are at all---and opponents are from all over the world! You can have friends, but you have share with each other your usernames so you know to accept them or not. I'm sure some people are okay have strangers as friends, but I'm not. But I have been having a great time reading, dueling, searching, and brewing!!!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Harry Potter Theme Park
I got to cross off an item on my bucket list earlier than planned---visit the Harry Potter Theme Park at Universal Studios in Orlando! The reason I was able to go earlier was because there was an awesome deal in November---like 60% off flights and hotels---it was a steal because the cost was all under $500!! And that's the kind of vacations I look for! This theme park was only built a few years ago. I have to tell you that the HP park has 2 of the most awesome rides ever!! First there is the Forbidden Journey in the Hogwarts castle---you sit on a bench with your feet hanging free and the ride is totally interactive--you feel like you are in it and experiencing it as you chase a dragon, escape the gigantic spiders, get away from the whomping willow and have Harry save you from the dementors! You are spinning, flying, and dropping suddenly at every turn! The second ride is the Dragon Challenge---there are 2 coasters---one for the Chinese Fireball Dragon and one for the Hungarian Horntail Dragon---once again you are on benches with your feet hanging freely---the coaster takes you upside down with your feet in the air and the corkscrews you down and around the corners---such a rush!!! I couldn't get enough of those 2 rides! There is also a Hogsmeade/Diagon Alley town and you can visit the different shops that are in the books. With so much cool stuff in all the shops, it was quite the task to not buy it all! And of course there was butterbeer and pumpkin juice! I had the frozen butterbeer and loved it---butterbeer has a cream soda base. And pumpkin juice was yummy too---tasted like apple cider with a hint of pumpkin flavoring in it.
We did go to the rest of Universal Studios too. One day we got so drenched from 2 rides, we were just wet or damp all day and night---they provided "people dryers" but it didn't help much. Got to take pictures with characters---which is always silly fun! I always feel like I'm the only adult doing that! The other 3 rides I loved in Universal was Rip Ride RockIt---it started out going totally vertically up for many yards and then it just went crazy looping and curving around, all while listening to the music of your choice--then the Incredible Hulk ride was like the Dragon Challenge but your feet were not free hanging---and then The Mummy was a fun interactive one---not as good as the HP one though.
Another super thing about being at Universal Studios in February was that the weather down there was hot! 80 degree weather---can't complain with that! The humidity did frizz my hair everyday, but had to just deal with that! I loved wearing summer clothes! It was a good break from the cold winter temperatures in Utah!

Another super thing about being at Universal Studios in February was that the weather down there was hot! 80 degree weather---can't complain with that! The humidity did frizz my hair everyday, but had to just deal with that! I loved wearing summer clothes! It was a good break from the cold winter temperatures in Utah!
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