Some of you may know that between 1st grade and 8th grade my family moved 7 times. I lived in Alabama, Ohio, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Missouri and then Utah. So I've had lots of chances to make many friends. A few of the friends I tried to keep in touch with were Tara, Lisa, Cindy, and Beth. We kept in touch through letters then...you know those things before e-mail and texting. I slowly lost track of Lisa, Cindy, and Beth. A few years ago I got an email at school from an outside source and lo and behold, it was Lisa! She had found me by googling my name! And since I work in a school district my name appears with the district and a way to contact me! I was simply amazed she was able to do that! I can't tell you how happy I was to be in contact with her again! So of course I immediately tried it with Beth and Cindy, with no luck! So recently, I tried googling Beth again, with her maiden name, and this time I got a link to a high school reunion site. On that site they give you just enough info without registering. I found out her married name and where she lived so then I just had to google her name and the town's name. And because she is working in schools too, she was listed and I could contact her! It was so exciting! Also it was fun to read about her surprise at getting an e-mail from me! There is nothing more thrilling than getting an e-mail from someone you thought was gone from your life! This friend-finding quest is quite addictive! Since then I've located a few other friends too.
Google is awesome. I Google myself sometimes.