For the past 12 or so years, I have been volunteering up at the Bountiful Temple every other Friday night for 4 hours. I work in the Family File office. I print off your family cards. What that means is that after you have researched your family, you can submit a disk, flash drive, or bar code to get cards of your deceased that still need ordinances done. But printing & cutting of cards happens sporadically so I have other responsibilities too. I help proof the finished ordinance cards to make sure they were done. I'm the first person you meet if you need further assistance from the full-time office workers. If I can't answer your question, then I send you to someone who can. If the phone operator gets busy, calls come to me and I can answer or redirect the call. And I do a variety of projects for the office workers to help them out. But once in a while, it is slow enough that I get to enjoy a good book or magazine(church affiliated of course). There's nothing like the peaceful feeling and love from my Heavenly Father I feel when I'm there! I love getting "out" of the world for those few hours to concentrate on the important matters of life. I always feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world after leaving the temple!
I always thought you had to get a calling to do any work in the temple. I always thought it would be fun to do laundry there. Sounds weird, but I've always liked laundry. Very peaceful. Added to the peaceful feeling of the temple and I would be a very chill person.