Last weekend Whit & I had an opportunity to meet 5 popular young adult book authors- Shannon Hale, Brandon Mull, James Dashner, Jessica Day George and Ally Condie(who all happen to live in Salt Lake area). The first hour to hour & a half, they were all up on a stage to answer questions. I enjoyed this part of the night the most because they were so funny together, bantering with each other, and having some great answers to questions!! And then it was to the book signing. I had 3 of the authors books already from home, but bought one of each of the other 2 I didn't have. I had to control myself not to buy more---much more! This year I've been trying not to buy books, but be a library user instead(which I have become--I don't even have to look for the books---I just put the books I want on hold on-line and I can go pick them up the next day at the front desk!). My total now comes to 5 new books I've bought this year which is a huge leap down from other years!! But I had to at least have one book from each author! We went to the 3 shortest lines first---leaving Shannon Hale and Brandon Mull to the last since
they had the longest lines. By the time we finally got to Brandon Mull, it was midnight(and there were only like 2 people left in the whole place to get books signed)! So we arrived about 5:45pm and were one of the last to leave! It was fun to watch the authors be so personable with those who came to have their books signed(and it almost made me buy more books), especially with the kids who came! One girl had her dad fly her out from Los Angeles(because she found out about it on Shannon Hale's blog) and all these authors were favorites of hers---she had a whole book bag full of books! It was a long night of waiting, but that'
s what you do when you go book-signing! Glad I went! Now if they could just bring JK Rowling to town!
That was pretty fun even though I was EXHAUSTED afterward!