I was able to spend some time with my sisters this past summer just having some fun! First, I visited Diana in Twin Falls, ID--we ate out(Buffalo Wings), went to a movie(Captain America) and went to temple there in Twin Falls! We had a great time hanging out!(And I did help with some organizing at her place)! Then I visited my other sister, JoAnn(and her husband) down in Ephraim, UT. We had a cook-out up Ephraim Canyon(my first time eating bratz--and the chili and cheese one was delicious--loved the chili dog taste without the mess)! We also went to the driv
e-in theater in Mt Pleasant to see Harry Potter 7.2. I hadn't been to a drive-in theater since the 90's, so it was fun to enjoy the fresh air while
watching a movie from car(we laid down back of my CR-V and lined with pillows and blankets)! Loved getting to spend some time with my older sisters!!!

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