Sunday, August 29, 2010

Canadian Rockies

During August, my friend and I drove up to see the Canadian Rockies for a week. We stopped in Glacier National Park first before heading up into Canada. Then we hit Waterton Lakes Park, Banff Ntl Park, Columbia Ice Fields and Kootenay Ntl Park. We wanted to explore Jasper Ntl Park more but the rainfall was so heavy we couldn't see anything. So that's one place I'll need to go visit again! One thing I especially loved seeing were all the waterfalls(I was truly in waterfall heaven!) and the turquoise coloring of the glacial lakes! With our lodging, we would camp for 2 days and then motel it every third day so we could re-charge our electronic stuff and ourselves! We did get to see 2 bears(at 2 different times) crossing the highway we were on---luckily no one hit them! There were lots of short hikes to enjoy and even waiting during construction was ok because we were surrounded by beautiful areas to gaze at. It was simply gorgeous! It needs to be on everyone's "must see" list!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! It looks like so much fun. And I love your blog design.
